Title: Emerge
Medium: Leather, Zipper, Polyester, Thread
Year: 2018
Title: Crowned Afro-Futurism Headpiece
Medium: Polyester Fabrics, Interfacing , Plastic, Thread
Info: Laser cut Headpiece Motif
Year: 2016
Afro-Futurism Necklace
Title: Afro-Futurism Necklace
Medium: Laser Cut Discarded Clothing and Automotive Leather
Year: 2016
Title: Emerge
Medium: Leather, Zipper, Polyester, Thread
Year: 2018
Title: Crowned Afro-Futurism Headpiece
Medium: Polyester Fabrics, Interfacing , Plastic, Thread
Info: Laser cut Headpiece Motif
Year: 2016
Afro-Futurism Necklace
Title: Afro-Futurism Necklace
Medium: Laser Cut Discarded Clothing and Automotive Leather
Year: 2016
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